
Switzerland currently heavily relies on paper-based processes for key administrative functions, such as obtaining a confirmation of residence or a copy of a debt collection register. The widespread use of physical documents, such as identity cards and manually signed contracts, poses inherent challenges, including data security risks and bureaucratic delays. These obstacles have hindered the broader adoption of digital solutions for public services, prompting a reevaluation of identification methods.


Recognizing the imperative for digital transformation, the Swiss Federal Council embarked on a pivotal decision to introduce a state-issued electronic identity (e-ID) by 2026. This strategic shift, announced on November 22, 2023, signifies a departure from previous proposals and aims to overcome the challenges associated with public apprehension. The Federal Council's endorsement underscores the urgency and necessity for a secure, efficient, and digital means of identification.

In this transformative landscape, OWT collaborates closely with the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems, and Telecommunication (FOITT/BIT/OFIT), leveraging OWT's expertise in software development, cloud environments, and security. By addressing the challenges of paper-based processes and supporting the development of Switzerland's Electronic Identity (e-ID) solution, this collaboration fosters increased efficiency, data security, and citizen-centric services.


unique e-ID managed by the Confederation


target date for the launch of the e-ID


millions budgeted by the Confederation for the development and implementation between 2023 and 2028

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